Dear ZeLoop community,
The month of November has been full of excitement for us here at ZeLoop. We hope you're all geared up to hear about our new partner and the new market place feature to be released soon for ZeLoopians.
For starters, we have partnered up with ShiftEco to bring consumer rewards for all our members. ShiftEco is a website and an online store that offers high quality and eco-friendly products to satisfy your inner environmentalist. Additionally, we are about to release the marketplace where you will be able to redeem your Eco rewards for vouchers. Look out for The Secret Skin that offers AED 50 and AED 100 vouchers to be used in their online shop. For them, each bottle you deposit is worth AED1! Obtaining vouchers for simply disposing of bottles and uploading, sounds like quite a deal, doesn't it? We are also signing up with more partners that are joining hands with ZeLoop, offering a wider range of vouchers to select from. Read all about exciting new ventures, the world of pollution, recycling, and cryptocurrency on our blog. We have a little something for everyone to read! Register to the current Eco Mission. The champion who will refer the most friends to ZeLoop will earn an Amazon Gift card worth 75AED! Good Luck !
Sincerely, ZeLoop Team